Maybe it's just me, but inspiring people so they will actually buy your product feels like a daunting task. In this series, titled Inspire, I'm going to share several posts exploring what I have been learning about inspiration in marketing. "People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it" How do you even begin to formulate an inspirational marketing message? You start with why. WHY is what everything about your business will be built upon. When I say why, I'm talking about why do you do whatever it is you do. Why do you make your product? Why do you provide the services you offer? That is what you must first ask yourself. My specific question was, why am I a logo designer? At first I didn't really have an answer for this besides the fact that I have a passion for designing. I'm passionate about designing logos... want to hire me to make you one? That statement doesn't exactly inspire and give you goosebumps. I began to ponder what I like and don't like about logo design. What boiled to the surface was my hate for pre-made logos. Businesses use these because they think they are an easy, inexpensive (even though it really isn't ) way to make a logo. These logos are cliche and often trendy. What happens to trends? They go out of style eventually. Logos should have lasting power. Uniqueness gives them lasting power. It occurred to me that everyone has a unique signature. A logo is the signature of a business. It can't be like everyone else's. Out of this belief came the answer to my why question. I create logos because the signature of your brand should set you apart from everyone else. This belief has become the driving force behind the logos I design. What is your why? Why do you do what you do? INSPIRE SERIESWHY - HOW - VISION & MISSION - MORE COMING SOON
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October 2018
AUTHORBrad Rowlison |