I’ve been seeking to launch a career in graphic design the past few months, without sending out any resumes or applying to job postings. I’m doing this by asking for advice, instead of asking for a job. What I mean by this is that I am reaching out to professionals and saying “hi I’m a graphic designer looking to launch a career, could I meet you for coffee and get your advice”.
If you are looking to start a creative career I would recommend taking this route. This tactic even for the short time I have been implementing it has proven to be far more effective than anything I have tried previously. Usually people will be more willing to help someone asking for help and advice, as opposed to some asking if they’re hiring or not. You may be thinking “I don’t know any creative professionals”. That’s okay I didn’t know vary many at the start of this journey either. LinkedIn can be your biggest source of contacts. If your a montion graphic designer use LinkedIn to search for motion graphic designers in your area. Once you find them send them a message like the one I’ve previously stated. You may be surprised how willing people are to give of their time for you. The final and most important part of this is at the end of your meeting you need to ask them “who else do you know that I should talk to”. This is how to do that scary thing called networking. If you don’t get them at the meeting make sure you follow up with them a few days later for referrals. If they can’t get you a job maybe the next person can.
October 2018
AUTHORBrad Rowlison |